How to Tell if that “Gut Feeling” is Intuition or Fear

Want to know if that gut feeling you have is your intuition versus fear? 

The best way to key in is to detach from the situation and any specific outcome. 

A big ask for an empath, I know, but we have to at least *try*. 

0ur intuition gets REALLY blurry 👀 when we’re clinging to a set storyline that we have in our head about a person, our job, ourselves… about anything really.

Your intuition is much more available to you when you can step out of yourself and look at a situation from an observer’s viewpoint. If it were happening to someone else, how would you see the situation?

Not doing this is how we ignore red flags 🚩 btw. 

We get so attached to a specific end result, or what we think we know about people, that we can’t hear what our inner guidance is telling us. 

We feel anxiety and fear because our inner guidance is trying to tell us something that contradicts what we WANT to believe. 

And when things blows up in our face a year later, we think, “Oh yeah - I KNEW that! I FELT that!” But we weren’t in a position to HEAR it hen because we were so attached.

When we’re not clinging to a specific outcome or our old ideas about something, we see things with much greater clarity. 


How to Stop Living a Life Based on Others’ Dreams and Expectations


Recognizing Red Flags in the Workplace